Harden Country Club Background

Harden Country Club is a licensed club located in Harden approximately 1.5 hours from Canberra. Formed in 1931 the club's activities centre on a golf course and club/community activities.

The Harden District Golf Club was founded in the Great depression shortly after World War I at a meeting in the Mechanics Institute on May 22 nd, 1931,25 citizens being present. Nobody at the meeting could have any idea of the progress that would be made in the years to come.

Perhaps it could truly be said that considering the difficult times the club was founded on hope and perhaps a little faith. The first clubhouse consisted of a bench of boards nailed to a substantial tree. In 1932 a loan of the cricket club shed from the town oval was obtained for use in the winter, and then in 1935 it was decided to build a weatherboard clubhouse which was opened on September 11, 1935, the cost being 547 pounds to be repaid over 8 years. For the opening it was proposed to charge for the afternoon tea, beer and whiskey to be free. This was rescinded at a following meeting, with a certain amount of regret. Afternoon tea was then provided without charge.


Mission Statement

Harden Country Club is a place to foster, develop and promote sport, physical activity and wellbeing in the Hilltops Region. We provide members, families and guests with the highest standard of services and facilities; including golf and other sports, function centre, meals and entertainment.

Annual Report & Accounts