March 3, 2024
@hardenreddevils are having a GOLF DAY! ⛳️
Recent Posts
- Two done, now on to the next!
- A huge thank you to all who attended our PIZZA MAKING CLASS today it was a huge success!
- With the Big Aussie Day Out just around the corner, we are fully prepared!
- This week is our PIZZA MAKING CLASS!
- A huge thank you to Craig and the team at TEGRA, a valued local business, for their kind donation for our ‘Big Aussie Day Out!’ event, taking place on 26th January!
- Tomorrow’s competition is a stableford, the weather is great, get your mates out for a hit and enjoy the course. Happy Golfing
- Check out all the great work Chad & the team have been doing out on the course!
- The annual Harden Red Devils Golf Day is back!